Responsive Table Layouts

Grid Layout using Element Queries

These table styles are a cleaned up version of some table styles from a fantasy sports web app. The original table styles were written using regular CSS @media queries, but as soon as the tables needed to be added to a layout with a sidebar or other content we had to re-do the breakpoints all the time and we ended up with a lot of duplicate code.

These tables use @element queries instead, via EQCSS.js, so the responsive breakpoints are based on the width of the <table> elements themselves rather than the width of the browser. This way this one set of responsive styles should be able to style a <table> placed into any layout.

<table data-table=col-six>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed Time Finish
Test Flight 3 77° 78° 90° 55㎧ 1:20 458
<table data-table=col-five>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed Time
Test Flight 2 80° 94° 30° 200㎧ 0:45
<table data-table=col-four>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed
Test Flight 1 120° 40° 157° 1503㎧
<table data-table=col-three>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed Time Finish
Test Flight 3 77° 78° 90° 55㎧ 1:20 458
<table data-table=col-two>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed Time Finish
Test Flight 2 80° 94° 30° 200㎧ 0:45 18
<table data-table=col-one>
Name X Axis Y Axis Z Axis Speed Time Finish
Test Flight 1 120° 40° 157° 1503㎧ 1:05 40