ES6 React Component lifecycle

Known React lifecycle events

The React lifecycle will go through these cycles:

Event ES5 ES6 Description When
getInitialState Returns initial state Once
getDefaultProps Returns initial props Once (cached)
componentWillMount your before-component is mounted functionality Once
render Returns HTML to render
Example from this component
<button className="btn btn-primary"
Clicked {this.state.count} time{(this.state.count>1 || this.state.count===0) ? 's' : ''}
Every time
componentDidMount called after component has been rendered in DOM Once
componentWillReceiveProps called before render when props is about to change Prop changes
shouldComponentUpdate stop rendering by returning false Before render
componentWillUpdate Just before render this method is ivoked Immediately before render
componentDidUpdate Just after render this method is ivoked Immediately after render
componentWillUnmount Just before the component is removed from DOM Once